Friday, March 27, 2009


You would think that in a household full of girls, if there was going to be any drama about "Hair" it would be from one of us...but not so. Howard has been going through some real soul searching and lots of prayer over whether he should cut his hair or not. Without going into too much detail (kinda personal for him) he was asked to cut it and has really struggled over the decision. We of course would love him with or without the "Hair" but it's such a part of who he is and I worry that he will not be happy without it. And how could we do braids again? What do you think?? Cut or Not to Cut??? lol.


  1. Love the pic! LOL! How gangsta is that? Okay, so my opinion, just do whatever makes you happy. I am probably not the best one to ask considering I am constantly changing my hair and I always grow it out and cut it off and change the color. It is a continual cycle. To me it is just hair, not who I am. But to Howie I know it is part of who he is and so because of that, he needs to do what makes him happy. My favorite saying: Be who YOU want to be, not what OTHERS want to see. I think it applies to this situation :)

  2. Dad, you know my opinion. But I just want to tell you I love you and you will still look great without long hair, you have my support if you cut it. I also think if you decide not to cut it then I will support you as well and so will a lot of other people.

  3. Well....Hi Borst's! I really miss you guys! I just happened to "run" on to your blog through Monica's and then I found Lori's and then yours! It makes me happy to be able to "see" you all! As for the "hair" question! I'm with all of you that you'll love him no matter ..... it's only hair! But it is a "symbol" of Howard! And it works for him!! What a very difficult situation! WOW! I choose to not have an opinion cuz I think your SUPER awesome and quite wonderful and will love you either way. I think it sooo depends on who asked you to cut your hair and for what reason they ask! It might just not be any of their business...just caused a thought provoking moment! :) WOW I just had a long rambling conversation with myself! Good luck Howie! :)
